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January 6, 2000

The Only Y2K Problem I Saw Was That It Took Away My Free Time

Dear Fellow Alumni and Friends:

"For about 30 years, my family has tried many ways to keep me quiet. I
finally figured out one way to do it that is guaranteed to work:"

Schedule software and hardware upgrades as big as the ones we did for Y2K every year.
"If you don’t know this already, I am the president of a small Internet company that I started in my parents’ basement 10 years ago. This is how the RCNJ got its own Web Site."

"For almost every waking moment in the last three months, I have been working on hardware and software upgrades at my office in Denville, the place where our Internet servers are located in Seattle, or at one of our clients’ offices in the New York metropolitan area. I still can’t believe that all the machines are upgraded and working properly, but that seems to be the case. Hopefully, I’m not jinxing myself."

Dave Aiello continued:

I owe you folks a bit of an apology because I let www.rcnj.org become
stale over the past few months. If you visited recently, you found that
the front page still talked about the Cruise Around Manhattan and the
175th Anniversary Celebration at Liberty Science Center. Those were
neat events, but they were six or seven months ago.

So, I finally updated the Web Site, and the management committee is
making it up to you by putting on a big event for the RPI-Princeton
Hockey Game on Friday, January 28. We are having a pregame dinner at
the Rusty Scupper in Princeton, beginning with drinks at 4:30 and a meal
at 5:00pm. The new Dean of the School of Engineering, William Baeslack
will be our guest speaker. The cost of dinner is $27.50 per person,
including tax and tip.

We are also offering you tickets to the hockey game again this year at
their face value of $8.00 each. We were able to purchase more tickets
in advance than ever before. As of January 6, we have more than 60
remaining. So, if you act quickly, you are likely to be able to get a

Because of the fact that two separate events are taking place on January
28, I ask those of you who receive this message by e-mail to visit the
RCNJ Web Site, at www.rcnj.org, and review the details and reservation
instructions we put there. No one wants to read an e-mail message from
me that’s the length of a novel.

In order to avoid overwhelming Joe Pilaro and Phil Lurie who are taking
reservations, it's important that you follow the instructions and get
your orders in as soon as you can. Thank you for your assistance in
this regard.

I still have a large backlog of work at my company that cannot be done
by anyone else, so it may take me a while to put the other events that
we have scheduled on our calendar. However, I know that we are planning
to do a get-together in North Jersey for the Satellite Hockey Game on
Friday, February 25. We have also scheduled a whitewater rafting trip
in the Poconos for a weekend day in May. More details when I have time
to publish them.

Thank you, one and all, for your support of the Rensselaer Club of New
Jersey and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestion.


Dave Aiello '89


Rensselaer Club of New Jersey