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May 5, 2000

RCNJ Events and Achievements Outstrip Our Ability to Report on Them

Dear Fellow Alumni and Friends:

"I’m writing to you in a week where we have two more events on our Spring Event Calendar. Ray Weisner and John Cloninger could not have asked for better weather forecasts for their events."

Dave Aiello continued:


Our annual golf outing, held in conjunction with the New York alumni chapters, tees off on May 5 at 12:00 noon. Ray Weisner really puts a lot into planning this event, and it looks like it is paying off for him this year.

Whitewater Rafting

The annual Whitewater Rafting trip is scheduled for May 6, just before 11:00am, in White Haven, PA. Contact John Cloninger or me if you are still interested in going because we may be able to make last minute additions to our group. Directions and event logistics are posted to the Web Site for those of you who are already signed up.
We generally hold our Whitewater Rafting trip on a Saturday in May so that we will not be too cold when paddling down the river. I suspect that this year will be the first where our main goal is to cool off and avoid getting sunburned.

RAA Awards Go to Morein and Pilaro

The most important recent news from Troy was the announcement by Dave Bohan of the Rensselaer Alumni Association award recipients for the 1999-2000 academic year. It's a proud moment when two of our members receive national recognition for the work they've done to support Rensselaer and its alumni.

Congratulations to Joe Morein ‘59 for winning the Alumni Key. The Alumni Key was created to recognize outstanding service that supporting the advancement of Rensselaer. I’m sure Joe is being recognized for his work on the RAA board, and his involvement in RCNJ activities, particularly the Liberty Science Center Internship Program. Joe is one of only nine recipients of the Alumni Key this year.

Joe Pilaro ‘55 is the one and only winner of the Alumni Admissions Recognition of Excellence Award for 1999-2000. The purpose of this award is to recognize truly outstanding service by an alumnus to the undergraduate admissions effort of Rensselaer. Joe has been the main point of contact for undergraduate admissions in New Jersey for the last two years, and he has done an exceptional job of finding new volunteers and coordinating their efforts.

Joe Morein and Joe Pilaro will receive their awards at the annual RAA dinner in June. Please join me in congratulating them and thanking them for their years of service to the RCNJ and Rensselaer.

Dinner Honoring Doyle Daves Was a Success

In other RCNJ news, on March 23, we honored Doyle Daves, Rensselaer’s acting Provost and the former Dean of the School of Science, for his years of service to Rensselaer and his great assistance to the RCNJ. President Jackson was one of the featured speakers on the program. This was a very successful dinner event, and the credit goes to Ken DeGhetto, Audrey Underhill, and John Kiesewetter for making it all possible. I have pictures to prove how much fun we had, but I have not had time to post them yet.

Nandy to Represent RCNJ at Open House for Graduating Seniors
Sandeep Nandy has agreed to represent the RCNJ at the RAA Regional Chapters Open House on May 8 in Troy. Alumni Relations considers this event an important initiative to maintain contact with the graduating seniors. We want to thank Sandeep for his willingness to travel up to Troy on a weekday and represent us.

If you’ve never participated in one of our local alumni events, or if you only participate in the Princeton Hockey Game event once a year, now is a good time to get involved in what we are doing. Whether you are looking for a social event or an opportunity to serve Rensselaer and your fellow alumni, we have a program that you can participate in. I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. As always, they are listed on the front page of our Web Site.

Please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestion.


Dave Aiello ‘89


Rensselaer Club of New Jersey