Foosball Exploding in USA
dave_aiello wrote, "Everyone I know who has gone to RPI in the last 15 years played some foosball while they were at school. CNET is reporting that foosball is exploding as a form of indoor entertainment. Much of the resurgence is attributed to the availability of foosball in the work environment at high tech companies."
According to the article, "After spending most of the '80s and much of the '90s in relative
obscurity, virtually unknown to anyone unfamiliar with the inside of
low-rent pubs, foosball has staged a stunning comeback. And it
owes its renaissance to faddish Internet companies that have
embraced the game with gusto."
Dave continued: "I know foosball is a big sport at Rensselaer. If you played foosball when you were in school, tell the rest of us what you like or dislike about it. Do you still play? Add a comment by clicking Read more...."
Can you believe that there is an American Foosball Association?