Barton Hall, Student Union, and George Rickey Sculpture Dedicated
Over the past few weeks, many people on campus have been busy even if their only job was to attend the dedication of campus improvements. Campus.News reported that Barton Hall, the renovated Student Union, and a sculpture by George Rickey were dedicated in the same week.
Barton Hall is the first new residence hall at Rensselaer in many years, and it has the kind of amenities for collaborative work that are normally only present at hotels and conference centers. The dormitory was favorably mentioned in
Time/Princeton Review's "The Best College for You in 2001".
The Student Union has also been extensively renovated. Much of the work depicted on the Campus Planning Web Site were completed prior to the dedication.
Many of the people who attended Alumni Weekend and the Patroon Dinner were able to take part in these dedications.