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January 30, 2001

RCNJ Announces IT and Entrepreneurship Conference on October 18

Dave Aiello wrote, "The Rensselaer Club of New Jersey, in conjunction with the Severino Center for Technological Entrepreneurship, announces an Information Technology and Entrepreneurship Conference. This conference will be held on Thursday, April 26, 2001, at the Newark Airport Marriott."

Update: The date of this conference has been changed to October 18, 2001. See the story explaining the date change for more details.

"Howard Deutsch '69, a member of the RCNJ Committee, has almost single-handedly drummed up support for this event. He has succeeded in engaging support from a number of departments at RPI. Support is being provided chiefly by the Severino Center for Technological Entrepreneurship and the Rensselaer Development Office."

"This conference will include two panel discussions where entrepreneurs, members of the academic community, and representatives of large technology-oriented companies will present their views on 'what's next' in IT and Entrepreneurship. It will be an excellent opportunity for a sponsoring corporation to discuss its vision, future prospects, and how it will capitalize on current trends in technology."

"If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor of this event, please contact Howard Deutsch at howdeutsch@aol.com. Look for more information about the conference here on the RCNJ Web Site."

January 28, 2001

RPI Splits with Vermont and Dartmouth

Nathan Marsters stopped a total of 77 shots and allowed three goals in a split with Vermont and Dartmouth this weekend. RPI defeated Vermont 4-1 at the Gutterson Field House on Friday night and then lost to Dartmouth the following evening at Thompson Arena by a score of 2-1.

Friday's game was much closer than the 4-1 score would indicate. Matt Murley got two empty net goals within the final 1:08 of play to secure the win. It was a fast and well-executed contest, where RPI capitalized on their breaks and Vermont did not. (Read the recaps at USCHO or the Times-Union)

Saturday's game was a very frustrating one for the Engineer faithful. A splendid performance by Marsters was squandered by a disorganized attack and a lackadaisical defense. A consensus of friends whom I brought to the game disagree with Coach Fridgen's comment on USCHO that it was a "well-played hockey game", at least from the RPI perspective. Passing and flow were non-existent and Marsters saved us from a blowout. (Read the recaps at USCHO or the Times-Union)

January 24, 2001

Rensselaer Mails First RCNJ Chapter Alert for the 2000-2001 School Year

Dave Aiello wrote, "RPI finally mailed out the first Chapter Alert newsletter of the year to alumni living in the State of New Jersey. Thanks to Kate Potvin of the Rensselaer Regional Programs and Dave Bressen of the RCNJ leadership committee for helping us get the message out to our members who have never visited our Web Site before."

"To all of the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey members who are visiting our Web Site for the first time, welcome. You are a member of the most active, best organized regional alumni chapter in the United States. The best way to keep up with what we are doing is to sign up as a new user of the RCNJ Web Site and join one of our mailing lists. Then, once you begin to see what we do, contact one of the leadership committee members and get involved."

Dave Aiello continued:

We welcome any and all Rensselaer alumni as well as their families and friends to our events. We would greatly appreciate help from our members in organizing the events we currently run, managing our on-going programs, and broadening the scope of our what we do. The RCNJ wants to move particularly aggressively in the following directions:

  • Expansion of our events and programs to Central and Southern New Jersey, with particular emphasis on the Princeton - Mercer County area at this time.

  • Expansion of our leadership team to accomodate women, young alumni, and representatives of other groups that consider themselves distinct within our organization.

  • Expansion of the group of alumni who participate in our annual fundraising efforts, including the RCNJ membership drive and the New Jersey Phonathon for the Rensselaer Annual Fund.

  • Expansion of the group of alumni that assist us in reaching out to the middle and high school students of New Jersey, and introducing them to RPI. These efforts include traditional college fairs, as well as support for programs like the New Jersey Science Olympiad and the New Jersey Science Convention Preconference training program.

  • Expansion of the group of corporate sponsors that underwrite programs like the Rensselaer / Liberty Science Center Internship Program.

Your tax deductible contribution to the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey in the form of annual dues helps us to fund these and other worthwhile programs. If you have not already contributed at least $25 this year, please consider doing so today.

If you would like to learn more about what we do and possibly to help us move ahead with these initiatives, please send me an email at dave_aiello@ctdata.com.

January 21, 2001

RPI Visits Bowling Green, Gets Swept

The mens hockey team traveled out to Ohio this weekend and got swept by Bowling Green. On Friday night, Bowling Green shut out RPI 4-0. The Times Union report indicated that this was the first time RPI had been shut out this season, and Bowling Green out shot Rensselaer 40 to 20.

The Falcons made it two straight against RPI on Saturday night, with a 4-3 victory. Up to this weekend, Bowling Green had not swept a home weekend this season. Too bad that they had to break the streak against RPI.

This two game series is part of a larger series of meetings that RPI has had with Bowling Green, since former RPI coach Buddy Powers left Troy to return to Bowling Green. He had been at Bowling Green earlier in his career as an assistant coach. Buddy is one of the nicest people in college hockey, but he seems to like to beat ECAC teams whenever he gets the opportunity.

January 14, 2001

RPI Breaks the Jinx, Beats St. Lawrence

The Times Union reports that Rensselaer beat St. Lawrence 6-4 on Saturday night at The Fieldhouse. This win ends a six game losing streak that RPI had against St. Lawrence, including last season's ECAC Championship Final.

Tim Wilkin of the Times Union is right to characterize this as a big victory. It's almost a big enough win to make us forget that Clarkson beat the Engineers on Friday night. The US College Hockey Online game recap implies that it was a very close game, quoting Dan Fridgen as saying, "Third period, lost faceoff, a missed assignment and a goal, it's that simple," said Fridgen. "It's disappointing but we have to park it and come back strong tomorrow." Seems like the team responded to that message, Coach.

Dave Aiello to be Married, July 7 in Philadelphia

Dave Aiello told us that he is marrying Kathleen Kuykendall, a third year medical student at Jefferson Medical College, on July 7, 2001 in Philadelphia. The announcement appeared in the Morristown Daily Record, the Newark Star-Ledger, and the Courier-Post (located somewhere in South Jersey). But the only announcement that is actually accessible on line is The Philadelphia Inquirer's, which appeared on December 10.

This is an example of the kind of Alumni News we are planning to post about our own members. If you have news about significant life events or personal achievements, please send it to us by using the Submit Story function of our Web Site.

January 12, 2001

Comment Submission Mechanism Problem Corrected

For those of you who have been interested in posting comments on our stories, we believe we have fixed the comment submission problem reported by John Cloninger. A technical explanation of the fix is on ctdata.com.

January 10, 2001

RPI Hockey on DirecTV, January 13 at 7:00pm

NESN's Game of the Week features the St. Lawrence Saints visiting the Engineers this Saturday evening.

The game can be seen on NESN (DirecTV 623) and Empire (DirecTV 626). Those with the DirecTV SPORTS Pack or similar should have easy access to the game, beginning at 7:00pm on the night of the January 13th.

January 8, 2001

RPI Splits with Brown and Harvard

Friday night, Rensselaer beat Brown 4-1 in Providence. This is RPI's first ECAC league game since December 9, and it's nice to see that they didn't sleepwalk through the entire game, although comments from RPI players indicate that they played a bad first period. The Engineers did not fare as well on Saturday, losing to Harvard 5-2. This game was decided on special teams, as Harvard converted on 3 of 4 power play opportunities, while RPI went 0-6.

This media accounts of these games were probably as interesting as the games themselves. Read on if you are interested in hearing about the subtleties.

Brown Coach to Media: It's the Ref's Fault

There isn't a lamer excuse for a loss than blaming the referee, but Brown Coach Roger Grillo is quoted as saying, "Losing Keith {Kirley} {to a five minute major penaly} didn't help.... Not only did that call give them the game winner, it also messed up our lines and power play. Keith is a key offensive player for us."

So, did he deserve the penalty, Coach, or didn't he?

Times Union Claims RPI-Brown Game Was Actually Played at Clarkson

Here's a passage from the Times Union article by Dan Hickling. See if you can spot the mistake:
But first, the Engineers (10-4-1 overall, 4-2-1 ECAC) had to shake off some first-period blahs at Cheel Arena. That they got out of the period in a scoreless tie was a tribute to freshman goalie Nathan Marsters, who wound up with 32 stops.
If you guessed that Cheel Arena is at Clarkson not at Brown, you are right. Brown plays at Meehan Auditorium. Hey, Times Union, we salute you when you write informative articles, but we're laughing right now. This is the kind of mistake you might expect to see in the Newark Star-Ledger's coverage of Princeton, not the Times Union's coverage of Rensselaer.

Is the US College Hockey Reporter at Harvard Biased Toward the Home Team? Or, Is RPI Just a Bunch of Poor Sports?

Apparently, there is something left unsaid in the USCHO report about the RPI-Harvard game. Harvard forward Dom Moore scored his first career hat trick to lead Harvard to victory. But, the USCHO reporter Michael Volonnino must have thought that he was being treated disrespectfully by RPI coach Dan Fridgen. Otherwise, why would the article say something like this?
All three goals by Moore came on very hard, accurate shots.

"I was feeling especially accurate in warmups today," Moore said. "It was my first
collegiate hat trick, that was something very special."

RPI coach Dan Fridgen tried, with futility, to downplay Moore's feat after the game.

"Harvard did a good job finding him when he was open," Fridgen said. "It doesn't take
Mario Lemieux to score the goals he did. You could've put them in with one arm on the

Sounds like Fridgen was upset with the outcome of the game, otherwise, why would he be so sarcastic? But, you have to ask yourself if the entire passage was accurate, because there is no way that Dom Moore said what he is quoted as saying unless he was told what Fridgen said before Moore had a chance to speak.

Also, what question did the reporter ask in order to get Dom Moore to say "I was feeling especially accurate in warmups today"? Is it possible that some or all of this part of the story was fabricated? Hmmm....

Looking for Information About Comment Submission Problems

Dave Aiello wrote, "John Cloninger reported that he received an error message when he tried to submit a comment to the article called A New Year Assessment of the RCNJ Web Site. I replied that I had seen this error pop up once in a while, but needed more details of what he did in order to trigger the error."

"So, if you experience the same problem, please email me the details at dave_aiello@ctdata.com."

January 6, 2001

Forbes Lauds Zander, Criticizes DeCamillo

The January 22 issue of Forbes contains two substantial articles about Rensselaer alumni. Ed Zander '68 is pictured on the cover of the print issue. He is President and COO of Sun Microsystems, one of the largest computer hardware manufacturers in the world. Zander is a major character in the Forbes cover story, along with Scott McNealy (who is more well known) and several other Sun senior executives.

As Daniel Lyons of Forbes writes in the article, "{Sun} went from a maker of workstations for engineers in the
Eighties to a producer of Unix servers for business in the Nineties to a
purveyor of Web engines and software for the next decade." He quotes Ed Zander as saying, "We have this uncanny ability to seize disruptive technologies and just go maniacal on execution."

Unfortunately, Gary DiCamillo '73 is severely criticized in an article in the same issue. As Michael K. Oznian writes in an article called Out of Focus, "Since coming over
from Black & Decker in November 1995, where he was running the company's
power tool division, DiCamillo, now 50, has started each year by talking about how
Polaroid is poised for growth. But time and time again he has come up short.... How did things get so bad? No question, these are tough times for the entire
industry as digital imaging takes over from film. Huge capital expenses are required
to make the switch, and digital products have much lower net margins than film."

The Polaroid article is probably fair in its assessment of the situation. Digital technology will reshape many industries, and the performance of the common stocks of companies like Polaroid and Xerox are excellent examples. DiCamillo comes in for criticism because his name is on the door to the biggest office. The article does not articulate an alternative course of action that would put Polaroid in a better position at the moment.

Adam Oates Named NHL Player of the Week

Dave Aiello wrote, "Before I decided to create the Alumni News section of the RCNJ Web Site, I was looking for a place to put this story, but I couldn't find a place that made sense."

The National Hockey League reported, "Washington Capitals center Adam Oates has been named NHL
Player of the Week for the period of Monday, Dec. 18 through Saturday, Dec. 23.
Oates led the week in scoring with nine points (one goal, eight assists) in four
games to help the Capitals improve their record to 15-12-7-1 in 35 games, first
place in the Southeast Division."

Adam Oates played at Rensselaer from 1982 to 1985, and holds the career record for most assists.

A New Year Assessment of the RCNJ Web Site

Dave Aiello wrote, "I think it's natural for everyone to reassess what they do at the beginning of a new year and ask themselves what they can do to improve. I am no exception, and I extend my scrutiny to the Web Sites I help to operate, like rcnj.org."

"I am seeking ways to improve this site, from a user experience standpoint. So in this article, I will share some feedback that I have gotten from members of our club, and discuss the creation of the newest section of the RCNJ Web Site: Alumni News."

Dave Aiello continued:

We Have Gotten Some Great Letters that Nobody Knows About

Since September, we have come a long way in terms of getting the word out about what the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey does as an organization. But, there is a great deal of information that we have never published, primarily due to the limited amount of time I have to devote to this effort.

I know this sounds ridiculous because I have obviously spent a tremendous amount of time building this site. But, the advantage of our new Web Publishing system is that it frees me to focus on writing for the site, rather than making sure that hyperlinks between Web Pages are accurate.

Anyway, I want to share a couple of comments that the Site has received recently that have not been published in other stories:

Thanks to Dave Aiello for creating, updating and maintaining the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey web site. An amazing amount of work has gone into this effort. Sorry it took me this long to acknowledge this
great site and Dave's enthusiastic work.

-- Howard Deutsch, hdeutsch@quantisoft.com, November 6, 2000

Thanks for writing, Howard. It took longer for me to post your comment than it did for you to make it in the first place. I want to start off by saying that credit for the content on this site should also go to John Cloninger who has worked with me as an administrator of rcnj.org, and to Ken DeGhetto who has been the largest contributor of information for publication, other than John and me.

Comments on the Web Site may be submitted using the Submit Story feature of the Site, which is what Howard used. However, a more effective way to submit comments is to add a comment to an individual story. If you want to add information to what we have posted, if you want to dispute the conclusions we have made or the article we are pointing to makes, please attach a comment to the story itself. Your comments are automatically published after only a brief delay, and we will only edit them after the fact if they contain inappropriate language, illegal, or unethical statements.

Comments are submitted by clicking on the link that says either Read More... or Add a Comment.... Your browser will display the story page for the story that you selected. Near the bottom of the page, click the link that says Submit Comment and follow the instructions.

Here's another comment:

Just wanted to drop you a complimentary e-mail on your website-- I even gave it a favorable review at the NYC Chapter Committee mtg. last night (my last one since I recently moved to NJ-- and will be joining a law firm in Woodbridge in a few weeks. Keep up the informative good work.

-- Steven Nudelman, Esq., nudels@sprynet.com, November 14, 2000

Steve, I appreciate your kind words about Our Web Site, and I am not just saying that because the first words out of your mouth when I saw you at the Princeton Hockey Game was, "Why didn't you respond to my email complimenting you on the Web Site?" Do you have any idea how many email messages I get each day?

But, seriously folks, I read my email. But, what can I say to such praise other than... Thanks a lot!

Identifying the Need for More Member Participation

There is no doubt in my mind that the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey Web Site performs a vital service to our alumni, to our peers in Downstate New York, Eastern Pennsylvania, and Delaware, and to the public which generally knows less about RPI than it should. But, in my mind, we are not making as much progress as we should in one key area: user participation.

We need to make clear to you, our club membership, that this Web Site is a vehicle to tell your fellow alumni about the public events that go on in your life: weddings, births and deaths in your family, new jobs, and personal and professional achievements. You know that the feedback loop is much faster here than in Rensselaer Magazine.

Announcing the Alumni News Section of rcnj.org

This is why we are beginning a new section of the RCNJ Web Site called Alumni News. We hope that this section will be populated primarily by member submissions, rather than information that John Cloninger and I dig up in our travels around the Web.

We also intend to use it, as the FAQ entry states, "to point our Rensselaer alumni in the news on a regional, national, or international level.
This includes business, politics, community service, and professional sports participation."

Happy New Year to You and Your Family

On behalf of the members of the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey executive committee, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and your family. Please let us know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about what appears on this Web Site, or what we do as an organization.

I encourage you to submit your comments about this site in one of the manners discussed in this article. For issues not directly related to this Web Site, please send me an email.

Best regards,

Dave Aiello, '89


Rensselaer Club of New Jersey


What is the Alumni News Section of rcnj.org?

The Alumni News section of rcnj.org is the place where we will discuss events that involve our members. This could include wedding announcements, births, deaths, new jobs, retirements, and other important life events that our members wish to publicize.

We will also use this space to point our Rensselaer alumni in the news on a regional, national, or international level. This includes business, politics, community service, and professional sports participation.

January 1, 2001

RCNJ to Co-Sponsor NJ Science Olympiad in March, Volunteers Needed to Assist Participants

Ken DeGhetto told us that the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey will provide financial support to the New Jersey Science Olympiad which will take place on March 20, 2001, at Middlesex County College in Edison. This is an annual event "devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student
interest in science, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers." The RCNJ will contribute a minimum of $300 in the name of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in order to increase awareness of our school among middle school and high school students in this state.

Ken has also asked that we seek volunteers to assist Sandra Buleza, the organizer of the Science Olympiad and her staff. Further details and a registration form are available on the NJ Science Olympiad Web Site. In order to better coordinate the RCNJ's involvement, Ken asks that you contact him at 973-630-8301 if you are interested in volunteering.

RCNJ Web Site in the Spotlight at RPI

Dave Aiello wrote, "It gives me great pleasure to note that Rensselaer is featuring the RCNJ Web Site as its current Spotlight Web Site. This program, run by Tom Torello, highlights one RPI-affiliated Web Site at a time that contains useful or interesting information. The benefit is a link from the Rensselaer Home Page directly to our home page."

"On behalf of the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey, welcome to those visitors coming to us from www.rpi.edu. The RCNJ is the regional alumni chapter for the State of New Jersey, and we provide the 4,000 alumni in the State with information about what is going on at Rensselaer, as well as information about social events and business and community service opportunities. We also provide information about alumni activities in New York City and the metropolitan area, and Eastern Pennsylvania as a service to our fellow alumni chapters. If you are interested in hearing more about our programs, please register as a user of our Web Site, and sign up for one of our mailing lists."

Here is what Tom Torello of Rensselaer said about the RCNJ Web Site, after visiting the site on December 13:

I think the site looks great. We would be happy to include it as a Spotlight site. It was great to see that you keep the site so current-- including today's big news!

Dave Aiello wrote, "Thanks again to Tom and everyone at Rensselaer who has supported our effort to establish an informative alumni Web Site with an emphasis on local information."

RPI Finishes Third in 50th Annual Hockey Tournament

As Tim Wilkin of the Albany Times Union wrote, "No one on the RPI hockey team wanted to be
inside Houston Field House on a snowy Saturday
afternoon. The Engineers would have preferred to
convene at Houston on a snowy Saturday night.

That's when the championship game of the 50th annual
RPI Holiday Tournament was played. But RPI wasn't in

The Engineers beat Notre Dame 6-2 to win the consolation game of the tournament. They got there by losing a 3-2 overtime decision to Northeastern. Northeastern went on to lose the final to St. Lawrence, 4-3.

It's got to be frustrating to finish third in a winnable tournament like this one. On the other hand, one of the best things about the RPI Holiday Tournament in comparison to its peers has been the fact that it has always been designed to be competitive, and to showcase ECAC teams against teams from other D-1 conferences. Many other tournaments run by a single school are vehicles for the home team to rack up easy wins.

Some will make the argument that St. Lawrence, Northeastern, and Notre Dame are not exactly powerhouses this year. Those people do not realize how far in advance the tournament schedule is arranged.