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May 28, 2001

"Take Me Out to The Ballgame" with the RCNJ on August 14

Joe Pilaro '55 writes, "The RCNJ is organizing a trip to a New Jersey Jackals minor league baseball game in Montclair, NJ, on Tuesday, August 14. First pitch of the baseball game is at 7:05 pm. Included in this event is admission to the Yogi Berra Baseball Museum at the same location."

"This outing will include admission to the Museum, a reserved seat at the ballgame and a barbeque dinner with all the burgers, chicken, and hotdogs you can eat, all the beer or soft drinks you can hold, and a Jackals souvenir. The price is $30 per person for the package. {If you aren't interested in the barbeque, you can purchase the same package without food and drink for $12 per person.}"

Read on to find out how to reserve your seat...

Joe Pilaro '55 continues:

Send your check by July 31, made out to the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey to:

Phil Lurie


PO Box 461

Paramus, NJ 07653-0461

Contact Ken DeGhetto for further details by phone at 973-630-8301 or by email at KenDeGhetto@worldnet.att.net. Let's get a good turn-out for this first RCNJ trip to a ballgame.

Additional fine print: Participants under the legal drinking age will only be served soft drinks. Beer service stops for all customers during in the seventh inning. Stadium management also reserves the right to "cut off" service of alcohol to individuals or groups for any reason.

Directions and any further information on this event will be posted here as it becomes available.

{Editor's Note: We held off on publicizing this event, hoping that the New Jersey Jackals would fix some technical problems with their Web Site. Although the Jackals' site is still not working correctly, we decided to run the story anyway.}

May 22, 2001

Men's Ice Hockey Schedule Announced

The Men's Ice Hockey Team schedule for the 2001-2002 Season has been posted on the Rensselaer Athletics Web Site. For those of you planning ahead, RPI will take on Princeton at Baker Rink on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 7:00 pm. The next night, they will play Yale University in New Haven at 7:00 pm.

The RCNJ is likely to schedule an event in Princeton on the night of the RPI-Princeton game. Further details will be posted as they become available.

May 18, 2001

Admissions Provides Details on Class of 2005

Joe Pilaro '55 writes, "Gloria Pappas of RPI Admissions has sent the following information about the Class of 2005, who will be entering Freshmen in the Fall 2001 semester:"

As of May 10, we have 1142 enrollment deposits from our Class of 2005. Applications were at the highest level since 1986. Our combined SAT’s are up 24 points to 1306; students in the top 10% of their class increased by one percent.

Read on for some statistics from the Career Development Center about the Class of 2001 and a call for volunteers for Fall College Fairs....

The message from Gloria Pappas in Admissions continues:

The Career Development Center provided the following that I know you will be interested in. Rensselaer has close recruiting affiliations with nearly 400 top companies. The average starting salary for B.S. graduates is $53,200. Average starting salary for M.S. graduates is $65,000. Approximately eight percent of the class goes on to earn their master’s. Number of top companies that recruited on campus last year was 380. The average number of interviews per undergrad student was 7....

Joe Pilaro said, "Thanks to all the RCNJ Admissions Volunteers for your help last fall and this spring. Anyone interested in attending a New Jersey college fair representing RPI Admissions please e-mail me at BraeMGB@aol.com. I'll be in touch with you early August with the schedule for the Fall 2001 College Fairs. Have a good summer!"

May 15, 2001

Joseph Flaherty, Long-Time RPI Professor, Named Dean of Science

Campus.News is reporting that Joseph E. Flaherty has been named dean of the School of Science. Dr. Flaherty, who has been at Rensselaer for 28 years, is the Amos Eaton Professor of Computer Science. He was also the founding chairman of the Department of Computer Science at RPI.

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, President of Rensselaer, said, "Dr. Flaherty has served Rensselaer for 28 years as a distinguished scholar and administrator. He will bring the intellectual leadership, the vision, and the commitment that will move the School of Science forward to even higher levels of excellence. In addition, his research is at the intersection of biotechnology and information technology, the two research areas given priority in the Rensselaer Plan."

Rensselaer's announcement of Joseph Flaherty as Science Dean apparently supercedes the announcement of Dr. Heinz Engl as Dean of the School of Science. That announcement was made in March 2001 and was to take effect on September 1.

May 14, 2001

Cosby Tells New Graduates to "Learn from Everybody"

Saturday, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute held its 195th Commencement Ceremony at Pepsi Arena in Albany. Over 1,100 graduates received degrees. Bill Cosby delivered the main commencement address, urging graduates to learn from everyone, even the "janitor or the person making coffee." Dr. Cosby, who received an Honorary Doctorate of Arts and Humane Letters, delivered his address after removing his doctoral regalia, revealing a red Rensselaer sweatshirt.

Senator Charles E. Schumer also addressed the new graduates and their families. Schumer called Rensselaer "one of the greatest universities in the entire nation" and paid tribute to President Jackson for her leadership.

May 1, 2001

Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf to Receive Honorary Degree

Last week, Rensselaer announced the honorary degree recipients at the 2001 Commencement taking place May 12 at Pepsi Arena in Albany. The more well known of the two among technophiles is Vinton G. Cerf, a man who many consider one of the fathers of the Internet. Dr. Cerf is the Senior Vice President for Internet Architecture and Technology at Worldcom. His resume of technical and management achievements is a long one, as can be seen on his Worldcom Web Site called Cerf's Up.

Also receiving an honorary degree at this year's commencement is William J. Wilson, a renown sociologist. Dr. Wilson is the Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor at Harvard University and the director of the Joblessness and Urban Poverty Research Program.

These two honorary degree recipients join Dr. Bill Cosby, previously announced as the main commencement speaker.

Hartford and Baltimore Phonathons to be Recognized at RAA Dinner

Yesterday, Kate Potvin sent us further information about the Phonathon-related awards that will be given out at the RAA Awards dinner on June 8 in Troy.

In our previous article discussing Phonathon awards, we had not provided details about the awards going to the Hartford and Baltimore alumni chapters, in part because they are not part of the region that we feel the RCNJ serves. However, since we know that alumni from all over the world read this site all the time, it seems arbitrary for us to leave these award-winners out of our coverage in this case.

Read on for more details....

Top Fundraiser

  • Hartford Phonathon
  • $123,523 raised
  • Ed Mroczka '62, Co-chair, Jim Peta '64, Co-chair

Biggest Increase in Volunteer Callers

  • Baltimore Phonathon
  • Increase of 3 volunteers
  • David Stark '75, Chair, Paul Luskey '80, Co-chair

Most Recaptured Donors

(that is, this phonathon was the most successful in getting alumni who hadn't given in a few years to become a donor again this year)
  • New York City Phonathon
  • 45 donors were recaptured
  • Henry Scheuer '69, Chair

Highest Percentage of Potential Corporate Match

  • Westchester Phonathon
  • 35 percent of total dollars raised came from Corporate Match
  • Richard Koser '64, Chair, Karen Lynch '87, Co-chair