RCNJ Celebrates Anniversary of New Web Site Framework
Dave Aiello wrote, "On Labor Day weekend last year, the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey relaunched its Web Site with a completely new architecture. Since then, we've published 164 stories about everything from a double dutch jump rope machine to the RCNJ's Chapter of the Year Award. We've used this site to promote RCNJ events, the Liberty Science Center Internship Program, and the college fair program. By any measure, it's been a great year."
"I would like to thank John Cloninger (who is co-editing the Web Site), Joe Pilaro (who has contributed a good number of story ideas), and the other members of the RCNJ Committee for their support and assistance during the redevelopment of this Web Site."
"We hope to roll out a set of new features in the next few weeks that take this Web Site to the next level. If you have any comments or suggestions on how we can improve our Web Site, let us know."