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February 27, 2002

Rensselaer New Jersey Technology Entrepreneurship Forum: Agenda

The Rensselaer Club of New Jersey, The Rensselaer Entrepreneur Network, and Rensselaer's Office of Alumni Relations will present Growing Early-Stage Companies: the Rensselaer New Jersey Technology Entrepreneurship Forum. This event will take place on March 26, 2002, from 7:30am to 1:00pm, at PSE&G's Corporate Conference Center in Newark.

Read on for the agenda and event registration instructions....

Growing Early-Stage Companies
Rensselaer New Jersey Technology Entrepreneurship Forum

Location: PSE&G's Corporate Conference Center - 80 Park Plaza, Newark, NJ

Sponsors: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and PSE&G


7:30am - 8:30Continental breakfast and networking
8:30 - 8:35Welcome
8:35 - 8:50Entrepreneurship at Rensselaer, Simon Balint, Manager of Operations, RPI Incubator Porgram
8:50 - 9:05Identifying and Implementing Breakthrough Technologies, John Del Monaco, Director, Emerging Technologies and Transfer Group, PSE&G
9:05 - 10:15Panel 1 - Presentation & Q&A Session - Today's environment and trends for early stage growth companies
10:15 - 10:30Break
10:30 - 11:50Panel 2 - Presentation & Q&A by five Rensselaer Incubator and alumni early-stage tech company CEOs
11:50 - 12:00pmClosing remarks
Overview of Rensselaer Entrpreneurship Network
12:00 - 1:00Networking opportunity - sandwiches available

Panel 1

  1. Alan Wovsaniker, Member, Attorney - Lowenstein Sandler, Roseland, NJ - advising and assisting tech companies with all of their legal needs
  2. Thomas J. Fuller - Epsen Fuller & Associates, LLC - staffing key positions and advising tech companies on strengthening their human capital
  3. Simon Balint - RPI Incubator - early stage entrepreneurship trends in today's market
  4. Jerry Weinstein - RPI '57 - Investor, advisor, former CEO of UC Industries, Inc.
  5. Carolyn Chin - RPI '69 - Chairman, Commtouch, angel investor
  6. Bob Forman - RPI '61 - Investor, advisor, former CEO
  7. Connor Mullett, Updata Capital
Panel 2
  1. Peter Matsuo - President, ad-Interax, Troy, NY
  2. Jason Jacobs - RPI '00 - President & CEO, CoreSense, Inc., Troy, NY
  3. Howard Deutsch - RPI '69 - CEO, QuantiSoft, LLC, West Orange, NJ
  4. James Wintner - RPI '65 - CEO, BenefitEvents.com, Inc., New York, NY
  5. Andrew Morrison - RPI '87 - President, RFM Broadcasting, New Rochelle, NY

This event will take place at PSE&G's Corporate Conference Center in Newark. Directions are posted in this story on RCNJ.org.
To register:
Print and send this completed form with a check for $25 payable to "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute" to Valerie Beck, Office of Alumni Relations, Heffner Alumni House, 1301 Peoples Avenue, Troy, NY 12180-3500 or call Val at 518-276-6206 with the following information (or fax this info to 518-276-4081).

Name: ______________________________________________________

Company Name: ______________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________

Mailing Address: ___________________________________________


Telephone: _________________________________________________

Visa/MC Card #: ____________________________________________

Expiration Date: ___________________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________________

Hockey Splits Weekend, Beating Harvard, Losing to Brown

This past weekend, the mens' hockey team visited Harvard and posted a decisive 5-1 victory. According to the USCHO article, "Rensselaer held an edge in every facet of the game, going 2-for-3 in their power-play chances, playing superb defense, and receiving an excellent game from sophomore goaltender Nathan Marsters, who is now 7-1-2 in his last ten games after hovering around the .500 mark through the first half of the season."

Jim Henkel scored two goals and provided an assist to lead RPI to victory. Nolan Graham, Marc Cavosie, and Matt Murley also scored. Nathan Marsters made 32 saves. Harvard's goaltenders had a tough night, stopping only 15 of 19 RPI shots against them.

Saturday night, Brown edged RPI 2-1 in Providence. Matt Murley was the only goal scorer for the Engineers, notching his goal with just under four minutes remaining in the third period. Nathan Marsters made 21 saves in this defensive battle.

This coming weekend, RPI plays its final ECAC regular season games of the year against Cornell and Colgate at Houston Field House. These games will be of critical importance since RPI has fallen back to seventh place in the ECAC, but could still get home ice for the first round of the playoffs under the right circumstances.

February 20, 2002

RPI Admissions Creates a Rensselaer Medal Web Site

Gloria Pappas wrote, "What exciting news I have for all of you. There were many suggestions from our alumni regarding our Rensselaer Medal Program, one being that you felt that Rensselaer should have a Medal web site! Our staff has persevered and our new Rensselaer Medal Web Site is up and running. Take a moment to check it out. Start with www.rpi.edu, Undergraduate Admissions, Financial Aid and Scholarships, Rensselaer Medal Program." {This is a direct link: Rensselaer Medal Program}

"High school guidance counselors will be able to nominate (via the secured site) a recipient for the $10,000 per year scholarship. If you want to know if a high school is a Medal school, enter the city and state and you’ll get a list of Rensselaer’s current Medal Schools. Names of Medal recipients will not be available. Feel free to contact me at pappag@rpi.edu with your comments and/or questions."

Administration Devises Plan to Significantly Restructure Grad School Tuition

A report in this week's Campus.News indicates that Rensselaer plans to alter the way graduate students pay their tuition. Key in this proposal is the idea that graduates would pay a flat tuition, like undergraduates do, and no longer pay on a per credit basis. The plan also calls for financial aid and payment for work by graduate students to be restructured.

An interesting article about this proposal has been published in the February 13 edition of The Poly. A number of professors are concerned that this policy would hurt research projects on campus, if it were implemented. But, the article also states that graduate students often have to sign up for zero credit hours for one or more semesters in order to fulfill non-course-related degree requirements. This is a practice known as "degree completion".

What is degree completion, in reality, and why does the Poly call the process "the primary reason that RPI takes an average of 1.5 years longer to graduate a Ph.D. student, and one year longer for master’s candidates"?

February 17, 2002

RPI Beats Princeton 5-3, Also Defeats Yale for Second Consecutive Weekend Sweep

Dave Aiello wrote, "U.S. College Hockey Online reports that RPI beat Princeton 5-3, in spite of being outshot 40-19. The game was made more lively by the presence of a large number of members of the RPI Pep Band and the largest contingent of RCNJ member at any single event in recent memory. Thanks to everyone who turned out for the game."

"On Saturday, the Engineer winning streak reached five with a 5-2 victory over Yale in New Haven. This game was played before a sellout crowd of nearly 3,500, and the WRPI announcers remarked that many in the crowd were fans of the visitors."

"RPI has now won both scheduled ECAC league games on two consecutive weekends. This is the first time that they have done this in recent memory. Read on for a comment on the Princeton game...."

Dave Aiello continued:

Ken DeGhetto '50 asked me why Princeton was able to exert so much offensive pressure on RPI during the second period? The implication in his comments was that Princeton had the advantage in terms of momentum at that point in the game.

At the time, I agreed with him that Princeton had kept Rensselaer bottled up in their defensive zone for a lot of the second period, but that Princeton had not converted the pressure into many serious scoring opportunities.

I was glad to see that RPI Coach Dan Fridgen saw it this way also. USCHO quotes him as saying, "The shots {17 by Princeton in the second period} indicate that they turned up the heat. However, we did a god job positioning ourselves, taking the right angles, and there weren't many Grade A quality chances."

Rensselaer capitalized on just about every good scoring opportunity it had. Princeton did not. Nor did they create many good scoring opportunities from all of the forechecking they did. When you combine that with solid goaltending from Nathan Marsters and good defensive play in front of him, you get the margin of victory.

Congratulations to RPI Senior Jim Henkel from Hazlet, NJ, who scored a goal at 4:39 of the second period. Jim had a large number of friends and family at Friday night's game, and every college hockey player wants to score when his family's in the building.

February 11, 2002

RPI Sweeps Freakout Weekend with Victories over Clarkson, St. Lawrence

RPI celebrated the 100th anniversary of intercollegiate ice hockey in style by winning both games this past weekend. This marks the first time that the team has won two ECAC league games at home in a single weekend since December 1999.

On Friday night, RPI defeated St. Lawrence 3-2 to jump into seventh place in the ECAC. Carson Butterwick led the team with two goals. Conrad Barnes has the other goal. Nathan Marsters made 35 saves for the Engineers, in a game where they never trailed.

On Saturday, a sell-out crowd of 5,117 and a nationwide television audience witnessed a furious third period comeback by the Engineers, culminating in a 4-3 overtime victory over Clarkson. RPI trailed 3-0 a little more than half way through the second period, only to come back with three goals in the third period to tie the game, including Marc Cavosie's second goal of the game, tying it up with 0:58 seconds remaining in regulation. Carson Butterwick scored the game winner with 3:32 remaining in overtime. The other RPI goal was scored by Jim Henkel from Hazlet, NJ. Nathan Marsters made 27 saves to keep RPI in the game.

RPI is now undefeated in the last 12 Big Red Freakouts (8-0-4). Saturday night's game was one of the most exciting games played in Houston Field House in many years. This is also the first time in four years that Rensselaer has defeated Clarkson at Houston Field House.

February 5, 2002

Next Rensselaer Entrepreneur Network Event on February 7 in New York

Mike Torre '91 reminded us that the next meeting of the Rensselaer Entrepreneur Network, How to be a Successful Entrepreneur, will take place on Thursday, February 7, at 5:00pm at the New York Athletic Club. The featured speakers will be Robert Baron, Dean of the Lally School of Management and Technology at Rensselaer and Dave Follett '81, founder of Giganet.

For more information, visit the Rensselaer Entrepreneur Network web site.

February 3, 2002

Three Point Weekend Puts RPI Back in Playoff Hunt

This past weekend, the mens' hockey team put together a strong performance to gain a tie at Dartmouth and a win at UVM. Friday night RPI squandered a 2-0 lead at Dartmouth ending up in a five minute sudden-death period. But, the game was considered a success becase the team overcame a minor penalty to team scoring leader Marc Cavoisie in overtime.

On Saturday, RPI made it look easy, beating Vermont 6-4 in Burlington. Vermont is currently in last place in the ECAC. New Jersey native Jim Henkel scored two goals to lead the Engineers to victory.