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April 15, 2003

President Jackson Delivers William D. Carey Lecture at AAAS in Washington

Campus.News reports that Rensselaer President Shirley Ann Jackson delivered the 2003 William D. Carey Lecture at a colloqium sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The lecture was given on April 10 in Washington, DC.

According to the article, Jackson addressed the importance for technology leaders to participate in policy making, public outreach, and education. She said:

As the events of the past century have made painfully clear, there is a ‘knife-edge’ to the advancement of science. The misuse of science could take us to the brink. Yet, science also can lead us toward salvation.

In December, Dr. Jackson was elected President of the AAAS for 2004. The William D. Carey lecture was established by the AAAS in 1989 to honor its former executive officer. Others who have given the Carey Lecture include President Clinton's science advisor Neal Lane, National Science Foundation Director Rita Colwell, and former White House Science and Technology Policy Director John Gibbons.

NYC Chapter Get Together on April 17, 6-9PM

Mark Ameres wrote, "Join us for our monthly get together of local alumni in New York City, on Thursday April 17, 2003, from 6:00 - 9:00pm."

"Steve Marsh's loft is located at 9 West 20th St #3. We will have Bass Beer and munchies. The cost of the event will be $15 per person. Please RSVP to rpinyc@mameres.com."

"Other Chapter events are in the works, send an email if you interested in them:"

  • May 13th - Hairspray at the Neil Simon Theatre, call Mike Wellner for tix at 212-639-9230
  • May - Alumni open house for graduating seniors in Troy.
  • May/June - Bowling nite or Pool party
  • June - Reunion 2003
  • July - Yankees Baseball Game
  • August 3 - Westchester Chapter family picnic
  • Sept - Williamsburg Bridge 100th Anniversay
  • Nov - Hockey season
  • Dec - Holiday Concert
  • TBD - Penn Station reconstruction

"I hope to see you soon. -- Mark Ameres '87, New York City Metro Alumni Chapter, rpinyc@mameres.com."

April 9, 2003

RPI Names Carson 2003 Commencement Speaker

Sandeep Nandy writes, "According to the main Rensselaer website, pediatric neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson has been selected to be this year's Rensselaer commencement speaker."

"Since 1984, Carson has served as director of the division of pediatric surgery at Johns Hopkins. He rose to national prominence in 1987, when he led a medical team that separated West German conjoined twins who were connected at the cranium. Both children survived the surgery."

"Dr. Carson will receive an honorary doctorate degree in science. Other honorary degree recipients will be Robert Solow, Richard Smalley, Morris Silverman, Donna Shahala and state senate majority leader Joesph Bruno."

"The 197th commencement exercises at Rensselaer will take place on Saturday May 17th beginning at 9:30 am on the Harkness Field. The commencement program will be followed by a campuswide picnic held on the '86 Field."

April 2, 2003

Dave Aiello Officiating in USA Hockey 2003 Women's National Championships

Dave Aiello wrote, "I have been selected to officiate six games in the USA Hockey Girls' and Women's National Championships beginning today in Aston, PA, and lasting through this weekend. According to USA Hockey, 54 teams are participating in the tournament in five different age groups or divisions. The teams come from throughout the United States."

"I attended the officiating staff meeting last night at Newmann College, and met most of the elite female officials from throughout the country. They will be working with male officials from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware who are senior members of the local ice hockey officiating community. I am honored to be able to participate in this tournament in any capacity, and especially honored to be able to work as an on-ice official."