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May 27, 2003

Oates Gets Another Shot at the Stanley Cup Against the Devils

Game 1 of the 2003 Stanley Cup Finals will take place tonight at Continental Airlines Arena when the New Jersey Devils will take on the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.

Adam Oates '85 is one of the team leaders for Anaheim, scoring both goals in Game 4 of the Western Conference Championship against the Minnesota Wild. Oates previously played in the Stanley Cup Finals for the Washington Capitals when they lost to the Detroit Red Wings in 1998. In an interview on Anaheim's team web site, Oates talks about this season's playoff run, the similarities and differences between this year and 1998, and briefly, about the 1985 NCAA Championship.

The Devils are, arguably, the local team for the RCNJ. The Ottawa Senators took the Devils to a seventh game before the Devils put them away with a hard-fought road victory.

Another RPI alumnus who will be in the building tonight is Sandeep Nandy '94, known to many RCNJ members as one of the biggest Devils fans in the world. Sandeep will be rooting for the Devils.

Biochemistry Constellation Includes Lots of Smaller Stars

In February, we reported that Robert Linhardt was recruited to lead a constellation in biochemistry. Today, The Times Union reports on the surprisingly large number of students and junior faculty who will be joining him in the move. According to the article:

As many as 14 students, post-doctoral researchers and assistant professors will follow the 50-year-old scientist when he migrates from the nation's heartland {University of Iowa} to Troy. That RPI was willing to make room for so many people shows how far the school is willing to go to recruit top-notch talent....

{The} team won't cost RPI as much as one might think. While the school is paying for moving costs and some salaries, much of the staff is funded through $1 million worth of grants Linhardt has received, mostly from the National Institutes of Health. He's expected to earn more once he's in New York. The New York State Office of Science, Technology and Academic Research is already interested in his work, said Executive Director Russell Bessette.

Explanations of constellations by RPI administrators have focused on the effort to recruit new, high-level faculty such as Dr. Linhardt himself. But, it hasn't always been clear that the constellation chairs would bring significant entourages with them from their previous institutions. Undoubtedly, this will strengthen the Rensselaer community.

Graduation Includes Stealth Bomber Flyover

OK, so maybe nothing can top last year's May snow storm for a unique Rensselaer graduation moment. But, this year's graduation included a flyover from an Air Force B-2 (Stealth) Bomber. This moment was particularly appropriate when combined with the address by Dr. Ben Carson, famed neurosurgeon, who urged RPI graduates to "think big".

May 16, 2003

Rensselaer Student Richard McNutt Named Army's Top ROTC Cadet for 2003

Campus.News reported this week that Richard McNutt '03 has been named the Number 1 ROTC Cadet in the Nation by the U.S. Army for 2003. According to the article:

Throughout his Rensselaer career, McNutt has maintained a 4.0 grade point average as a dual major in biophysics and biochemistry. He oversaw a ROTC company of 20 cadets, routinely clocked 12 minutes on two-mile runs, never achieved less than a perfect score on the Army’s physical fitness test, and is currently working toward his black belt in karate.

McNutt reportedly intends to pursue an assignment with either the 173rd Airborne Brigade or the 82nd Airborne Division after graduation and receiving his commission.

Reminder: Trenton Thunder Outing, Sunday, June 29

Joe Pilaro writes, "The Trenton Thunder, New York Yankees Double-A affiliate, has been in the news for the past week or two as Yankee super-star Derek Jeter has been played shortstop there to complete his rehabilitation from a dislocated shoulder. Although Jeter left the Thunder roster after five games on May 12, many other "Yankee stars of the future" are playing at Trenton this season."

"The RCNJ has a few seats remaining for our Sunday, June 29 afternoon outing to a game between the Thunder and the Binghamton Mets. The tickets cost $7 each. To reserve your place, please send a check (made payable to Joe Pilaro) to:"

Joe Pilaro
P.O. Box 7463
Princeton, NJ 08543-7463

"Upon receipt of your check, I will mail you the tickets.
The Thunder play their home games at Waterfront Park in Trenton, NJ. Directions can be found on the team's website. Bring the family to a fun summer afternoon of baseball on June 29."

Harnett Redefines the Term "Working His Way Through College"

This week, Campus.News reported that graduating senior Brendan Harnett has successfully paid for his entire undergraduate degree himself, without using any student loans. The architecture major reportedly worked at a number of jobs in high school, invested in the stock market during the boom, sold in a timely manner, paid the capital gains, and used the proceeds to fund his education.

While at RPI, Harnett worked as a Teaching Assistant, "usually had another job on the side, and always worked in the summer". He also had the time to start his own architectural design firm and win an award from Architecture for Humanity for a mobile medical unit to be used in sub-Saharan Africa.

May 4, 2003

Join RCNJ This Saturday For Our Brewery Tour!

Please join the Rensselaer Club of New Jersey at our tour of the High Point Wheat Beer Company in Butler NJ, this Saturday, May 10 at 2pm.

The High Point Wheat Beer Company was founded in 1994 and are the producers of Ramstein Wheat Beer, an authentic German Style wheat beer. The homebrewer Greg Zaccardi takes special care in production of his beers, importing his brewer's yeast from Bavaria. As the brewery has grown, Greg now produces four varieties: Blonde Wheat Beer, Classic Wheat Beer, Winter Wheat (Doppelbock), and Krystall Wheat Beer.

The High Point Wheat Beer Company is located at 22 Park Place in Butler, NJ. For a map of the site, click this link! Take I-287 to Exit 52B, drive about two miles to the Boonton Avenue light (CR 511) and take a right onto Boonton Avenue. The High Point Wheat Beer Company can be found shortly after crossing Kiel Ave.

We hope to see you there!