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April 8, 2005

Entrepreneurship Affinity Group Breakfast at Newark Liberty Airport Marriott on April 19

The Rensselaer Entrepreneur Affinity Group is holding a breakfast on Tuesday, April 19, from 7:30-9 a.m. at the Newark Liberty Airport Marriott. All alumni and friends are welcome to join us for the morning as we discuss the current business climate and do some networking. The only cost will be your own breakfast off the menu.

If you plan on attending, or for any questions, please contact Phil Lurie '74 at plurie [at] alum.rpi.edu, or (201) 970-0254.

RCNJ Touring the George Washington Bridge on April 16

Join the RCNJ on Saturday, April 16, 2005 as we tour the world�s busiest bridge, the George Washington Bridge.

The event includes a viewing of a movie outlining the bridge history and then a tour of the anchorages of the George Washington Bridge. We plan to start the day off with a group breakfast (dutch treat). The tour group size will be limited, so be sure to reserve your spot today. To register for this event, please contact Sandeep Nandy '94 via email at Sandeep.Nandy [at] verizon.com.