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June 23, 2006

RCNJ Summer Picnic at Tourne Park Cancelled

RCNJ President Sandeep Nandy said that the RCNJ Picnic scheduled for Saturday, June 24, 2006 has been cancelled. There is a significant chance of inclement weather tomorrow during the time that the picnic is scheduled to take place, so the leadership committee decided to cancel the event and notify everyone who was planning to attend.

Update: As a result of the cancellation of the picnic, the election scheduled for June 24 has been postponed and will take place at our next club meeting. That meeting will be a dinner meeting on Tuesday, June 27 at Mastoris' Diner-Restaurant, 144 US Highway 130 (at the Junction of Highways 130 and 206), Bordentown. [ Directions ] The meeting will start at 7:00pm.

June 8, 2006

RCNJ Summer Picnic to Take Place on June 24, 2006 at Tourne Park in Boonton

The Rensselaer Club of New Jersey will hold its first ever summer picnic on Saturday, June 24, 2006 at Tourne Park in Boonton, NJ [ Directions ]. We have the park reserved from 11am to 5pm. The afternoon will feature a softball game, family fun, food, games, and much more.

The RCNJ will also hold elections for its officers for 2006-07 at that time, see the article explaining the election process for more details.

The cost to attend the picnic will be $9.00 per family. Please contact RCNJ President Sandeep Nandy '94 by email at NJ_Chapter [at] alum.rpi.edu or by phone at 201-967-7271 for more information.

Update: This event has been cancelled. For more information, see RCNJ Summer Picnic at Tourne Park Cancelled.

RCNJ to Hold Elections on June 24, 2006

RCNJ President Sandeep Nandy '94 wrote:

As I am sure you know, the RCNJ will be holding its summer picnic on Saturday, June 24. [ See article about the picnic for more details. ]

As part of the picnic, the RCNJ will be holding its elections.

The open positions will be President, Vice President for Administration, Vice President for Communication, Secretary and Treasurer.

The nomination process will be as follows:

  1. Anyone with nominations should send them to Henry Rosenblatt '54. He can be reached at jvr3nj [at] worldnet.att.net or (201) 615-1554 (cell). The deadline for nominations is Friday June 16, 2006 at 5 pm.
  2. It is understood that not everyone will be able to attend the picnic. If they would like to vote by proxy, all proxy votes should be submitted to Dick Shive '54. Dick can be reached at rshive [at] verizon.net. The deadline for proxy votes is Friday June 23 at 5 pm.

Upon receipt of all nominations and proxy votes, final elections will be held at the picnic on June 24.

James Aiello Born to Dave and Kathleen Aiello on May 23, 2006

James Aiello
James Aiello was born on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at
a hospital in Bucks County, PA. I guess this makes
him a member of the RPI Class of 2028(?).
[ Photo: Dave Aiello ]

Kathleen and I just wanted to let everyone in the RCNJ know that our son James Aiello was born on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 7:33pm at a hospital near our house in Bucks County, PA. Kathleen had a c-section. She and Jimmy came home on May 27, and we're all settling into a routine.

It's a lot of work to have a newborn baby, but it's also been a lot of fun. If I had a nickel for everytime a friend had told me "your life's about to change" before Jimmy was born, I think his college fund would be fully funded by now. I don't think anyone can convey the intricacies of caring for your first child, no matter how much experience they have.

Thanks to all of you who emailed or called to express your best wishes. We hope to be able to bring Jimmy to an RCNJ event sometime soon, so you can see him in person.

Plant Tour: Faps, Incorporated

Come join the RCNJ on Monday, June 12, 2006, as we tour the Faps Inc. automobile plant in Port Newark in Newark, NJ. This plant contains automobiles receiving special features before they go to their respective dealers. The tour starts promptly at 8 am and should last 2-3 hours. This event is free to all attendees. Space is limited, so if you are interested in attending or have questions about the event, please contact RCNJ President Sandeep Nandy ’94 at either NJ_Chapter@alum.rpi.edu or (201) 967-7271.