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September 11, 2006

Remembering the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on The Fifth Anniversary

On September 11, 2001, RCNJ.org published an article called NYC Phonathon Cancelled Due to Terrorist Attack, which began:

Dave Aiello wrote, "Of course you know that a coordinated terrorist attack has destroyed the World Trade Center in New York City. We have no idea if any alumni have been killed or injured. I spoke to Kate Potvin on the telephone, and it is obvious that the New York City Phonathon, scheduled for tonight, cannot be held. We are in the process of calling all of the alumni who agreed to attend the Phonathon to make sure that they are OK. We will let you know if there are any further developments."

The article goes on to point out that all of the alumni who were scheduled to attend the New York City Phonathon that night survived, but two members of the Rensselaer family lost their lives that day:

We remember these men and all of the other victims of the attacks who died five years ago today.

To read more RCNJ articles on the 9/11 attacks, search RCNJ for "World Trade Center".